**Kiddush/Seudah Shlishit Sponsorship form is available now at OhevDC.org in the "Quick Links" section**
**Please note that Rabbi Wolkenfeld will be away in Israel from 01/28 - 02/09. He will be available via email for any questions you may have**
Chavruta Connections: Personalized Learning with Rabbanit Sara Wolkenfeld Want to spend a little time learning Torah but not sure where to start? Or maybe you are interested in diving deeper into a specific topic?Join me for a one-on-one or small group chavruta-style learning experience. Email rabbanitsara@ohevdc.org to get started!
Wednesday, February 5 at 8:00pm The Real Meaning of Tikkun Ha'Olam, with Rabbanit Sara Wolkenfeld (in person). This class is being extended for one more session. Complete info here. Motzei Shabbat, February 8 at 6:40pm - Ohev Sholom Youth Floor Hockey
Looking for an activity for your kids on Saturday evening after Shabbat? Register them for a fun time playing floor hockey at Ohev in the social hall. Upcoming dates: February 22 and Mar 1.
Motzei Shabbat, February 15 - Parent-child Learning with Rabbi Wolkenfeld @ Shul (Starts after Havdalah) 3rd-5th graders and their parents or an adult friend are invited to join Rabbi Wolkenfeld after Shabbat for family learning sessions! Light refreshments will be served. Next class: TBD
Friday, February 21 at 6:30pm - NNIA (New Neighbors Interfaith Alliance) Shabbat Dinner Join us for a Shabbat Dinner with our partners from New Neighbors Interfaith Alliance (NNIA), the organization Ohev works with to support two local refugee families from Afghanistan. One of the fathers in the families Ohev supports will speak about his family's experiences.
Minyan Corner Elevate your week! Please join us at our weekday Shacharit and Mincha/Maariv minyanim. Sign up in advance to help us ensure we have minyanim and strong participation for those saying Kaddish.
We recently rolled out WhatsApp Announcements in order to communicate with the Ohev Sholom membership on a real-time basis. There are a number of members that are not receiving those messages because their mobile phone numbers were not available in ShulCloud.
If you are not receiving WhatsApp Announcements, please email Alejandra at Alejandra@ohevdc.org or Steven at steven.wernick@ohevdc.org with your name and mobile number so that you can be included.
WhatsApp can be downloaded from the following sites:
Please let us know if you have any questions or need any assistance in getting started.
We rely on volunteers to help make Ohev such a vibrant shul. Please consider getting involved by joining (or helping to lead) one of our committees. Any amount helps. More info here!
Chesed Committee: Chesed Committee: Lend a hand and support each other! If you are able to help members in need of short term assistance please fill out this form.
In recent months, among other types of support, the shul has highlighted the plight of the hostages in a variety of ways:
Fundraised and held a dessert kiddush using the favorite recipes of various hostages
Placed a permanently set table on display in the Social Hall
Placed a designated 'hostage' chair in the sukkah
Dedicated 20 seats in the sanctuary to 20 different hostages
Added 'Bring Them Home' signage around the building
We will continue to raise awareness for the hostages until they are all released. For more information and/or to volunteer with these efforts please contact Tirza Kramer at supertirza@gmail.com
The Capital Closet will be open to the community Sunday February 2nd and 23rd from 10-11 am. Come peruse our beautiful, curated selection of clothing for women, men, and children. We have a limited supply of Torah School uniforms, so please shop early for the best selection! Our new address is 9601 Colesville Road, Silver Spring, MD 20901. The Closet entrance is in the back of the building up a full flight of stairs. Please feel to reach out with any questions or for more information to: ncarmel@yadyehuda.org
Sunday Ellen Epstein for Mother Karlyn D. Robinson
Monday Ann Werner for Husband Stephan Werner
Tuesday - Julie (Julius) Levine for Father Joseph Levine - Micah Stein for Father Paul Stein - Sheila Kurtzer for Sister Joyce Doppelt Miltz
Wednesday Julie (Julius) Levine for Uncle Morris Dash
Thursday Sarah Fertig Trauben for Father of William Fertig
Hanna Klapper Ari Skromne Gideon Grinberg Kira Plagge Yael Pinsky Devora Hileman Douglas Lachance Ethan Josovitz Isaac Begal Ethan Price
Daniel Troy Kayla Drogosz Elizabeth Bodine-Baron Emily Kahan Jonathan Kopp Noah Fertig Trauben
Sunflower - This week the Sunflower pick up location will be at Ohev Sholom Congregation on Friday from 11AM - 2PM. Orders will be set up inside the building at the Jonquil Street entrance. Orders are due Wednesdays by midnight!
**Sunflower's Purim Menu - Delivery on Fri 3/14** Sunflower has already started preparations for Purim. Menu items will be available starting Feb. 10th and the deadline for online and pre-orders is Thursday, March 6th at Noon.
Contact the shul office with any questions, 202-882-7225
Rabbi David Wolkenfeld Rabbi.wolkenfeld@ohevdc.org (202) 882-7225, ext. 104 To schedule a phone call or in-person time with Rabbi Wolkenfeld, please reach out directly or visit calendly.com