Bo 5785 | Rabbanit Sara Wolkenfeld
02/03/2025 04:22:33 PM
Free Beer and Free Speech
When I worked on campus, I learned a lot about things that are free. For five years, David and I served as educators at Princeton University, and we witnessed all the things that college students don’t have to pay for. We learned about free t-shirts, free trips to Israel, and of course, free food. For the over 21 crowd, there was often free beer. And yes,...Read more...
Shemot 5785 | Rabbi David Walkenfeld
01/22/2025 10:08:00 AM
The Shepshelle that Ran Away
I have learned a lot about diverse understandings of the Torah from the lessons that our children have brought home through the decades from the various schools they attended. (Our five children have attended a total of ten schools between them). When they were very young it was sometimes a challenge to reconstruct precisely what lesson they were intended to...Read more...
Vayehi 5785 | Rabbi David Walkenfeld
01/22/2025 10:04:07 AM
Truth Telling
Many years ago when we only had one child and he was only six months old a wise mentor said to me, “it’s such a special age when they are too young for you to be angry at them.”
I had no idea what she meant. Like any parent of an infant I had experienced being exhausted and overwhelmed and frustrated amidst the joy and nachas of parenthood, but not...Read more...
Vayigash 5785 | Rabbi David Walkenfeld
01/22/2025 10:01:24 AM
Short & Bitter After the End of History
Avraham was the first individual whom the Torah describes as being elderly וְאַבְרָהָ֣ם זָקֵ֔ן בָּ֖א בַּיָּמִ֑ים
but Yaakov was the first old Jewish man. Of course not every Jewish man who ages becomes an old Jewish man but Yaakov in Parashat Vayigash acts in a way that I exclusively associate...Read more...
Vayashev 5785 | Kate Rozansky
12/24/2024 02:03:18 PM
Hanukkah: A Holiday for the Under-Prepared
I understand that the Federal Government has decided to make the first day of Hanukkah a Federal Holiday this year - how nice! As anyone who has ever been in the business of organizing communal tefillah knows, Hanukkah is the perfect time to start thinking about Purim. Next week, I will be restarting last year’s Learning-to-Layn Megillat...Read more...
Toldot 5785 | Rabbi David Walkenfeld
12/02/2024 11:04:42 AM
Contranyms, sometimes called “Janus words” are words that mean the same as their opposite - like the figure Janus in Greek mythology who had two faces that looked in opposite directions.
To bolt is to secure something to prevent escape…and it means to escape.
Consulting means soliciting advice and offering advice.
Cleaving is severing and...
Lekh Lekha 5785 | Rabbi David Wolkenfeld
11/12/2024 11:53:27 AM
The Age of Chaos, the Age of Torah, the Age of Mashiach
“The owl of Minerva flies only at dusk.” This famous observation of Hegel, the great philosopher of history, reminds us that clarity is only possible when the sun sets and we can look back at what occurred during the day. Think of Avraham and Sarah and every moment in Parashat Lekh Lekha. They journey to Eretz...Read more...
RH2 5785 | Rabbi David Wolkenfeld
10/07/2024 09:25:50 AM
Heroic Potential
One of the saddest experiences I have had over the course of a very sad year was listening to the livestream broadcast of Rachel Goldberg Polin speaking at the funeral of her son Hersh, just days after his murdered body was recovered and brought to Israel for burial. An extended clip of that hesped was broadcast here in DC at a memorial vigil that Federation...Read more...
RH1 5785 | Rabbi David Wolkenfeld
10/07/2024 09:23:02 AM
The Palace is in Flames
Once upon a time a traveler set forth on a journey into an unknown land. After many weeks of travel he saw a light in the distance and upon getting closer he saw a birah doleket, an illuminated palace from which light shone through the windows and spread light on the barren ground that surrounded the palace. “It cannot be,” said the traveler, that there is a...Read more...
Nitzavim-Vayeilehch 5784 | Kate Rozansky
10/01/2024 09:29:04 AM
Three Confessions
Since this is the season of teshuva, I come here today with some confessions.
One: for the past few months I’ve been doing a little light stalking. If you are one of the women in this community who expressed to me, even a passing interest in learning to layn, I have been, as the youths would say, blowing up...Read more...
Ki Teitzei 5784 | Rabbi David Wolkenfeld
09/16/2024 09:59:33 AM
Commemoration and Interpretation
Last Wednesday night I taught a shiur in Denver on behalf of the Wexner Heritage Fellowship. The students, all with leadership roles in the Colorado Jewish community, have already spent months learning together and traveling together and have formed a cohort that cares about one another and is invested in supporting each other’s contributions to the...Read more...
Vaetchanan 5784 | Rabbi Phil Lieberman
08/20/2024 01:06:26 PM
When the Supreme Court overturned 40 years of Chevron deference earlier this summer in the case Loper Bright Enterprises v Raimondo, our regulatory agencies were actually not left without a leg to stand on. When Congress tells our administrative branch (and I use this phrase intentionally) that they have to go and produce clean water, the Environmental Protection Agency has to go and figure it out. Sure, Chevron deference might...Read more...
Devarim 5784 5784 | Rabbi David Wolkenfeld
08/14/2024 01:23:20 PM
No Words
אין מילים
There are no words. In Hebrew as in English, the phrase signals our awareness that we are confronted by a circumstance that confounds are ability to understand using our usual conventional words. More times than I can count in the past ten months, I have said to some of you here “there are no words” and as we have been saying that to one...Read more...
Pinchas 5784 | Rabbi David Wolkenfeld
07/29/2024 01:08:16 PM
Prayers for Peace
It is wonderful to be back with you all in shul. My time in Israel was thought provoking and rewarding and I know I will be processing my reactions for many weeks to come. I am so grateful to the community for making it possible for me to spend the past three weeks studying at the Hartman Institute in Jerusalem and I am very grateful for the care and consideration you showed my...Read more...
Chukat 5784 | Sarah Gershman
07/16/2024 01:45:32 PM
This week’s parsha taps into a primal fear of mine - that I will live a good life - and then make one mistake that will destroy everything. This is what seems to happen to Moshe. He does so much good, saves the Jewish people, changes the course of history - and then he gets punished for making one mistake? He gets punished for hitting a rock?
And it’s...
Shelach 5784 | Rabbi David Wolkenfeld
07/01/2024 10:41:08 AM
Spy vs Spy
We inaugurated a new tradition this Shabbat by having all of the Torah reading this morning read by men named Joshua. Yeshar Koach to all the Joshua’s who participated this morning and Mazal Tov to all of their families. This is a very fitting way to observe Parashat Shelach. Yehoshua and Kalev are the heroes of our parasha as the only spies who resist the evil council of...Read more...
Behaalotcha 5784 | Kate Rozansky
06/24/2024 01:59:07 PM
The Talmud at the Tonys
Last Sunday night, I was watching the Tony awards - because in every rabbinical student there is a former theater kid just bursting to break free. To my surprise, one of the winners, in her acceptance speech, name-checked the Talmud and quoted Pirke Avot. I found this delightful. But I shouldn’t have been surprised to see the Talmud at the Tonys - because the...Read more...
Bamidbar 5784 | Rabbi David Wolkenfeld
06/18/2024 09:33:09 AM
Thou Shalt Not Kill
Decades ago the Israeli novelist Amos Oz visited Sweden and, as a famous novelist, received an audience with Olof Palme, the prime minister of Sweden. Palme was an outspoken critic of both the Soviet Union and the United States and supported the PLO when it was nearly universally designated as a terror organization. Palme served as Prime Minister of Sweden from 1969 -...Read more...
Emor 5784 | Rabbi David Wolkenfeld
05/20/2024 10:22:42 AM
Being Strict and Being Lenient
I know two jokes about kohanim. This is the good one:
A man walked up to his rabbi and said, “Rabbi, make me a kohen.”
The rabbi responded, I’m so sorry, I can’t make you a kohen.
The man then said, “I’ll give you $500 if you make me a kohen.”
The rabbi just...
Acharei Mot 5784 | Rabbi David Wolkenfeld
05/06/2024 11:44:22 AM
Its Way of Life
When I was in high school I once picked up the Thanksgiving edition of the Village Voice and saw a humor column titled something like “Fifty things to be thankful for about living in America.” After many years I can only remember three of the items on the list. Reenacting our Civil War is considered a harmless activity. For a country where it is not a national...Read more...
Tazria 5784 | Kate Rozansky
04/15/2024 03:41:18 PM
Seeing and Returning
This week’s Torah portion is kind of gross, isn’t it? But what seems like a rather arcane discussion of different kinds of oozing lesions, is, in fact, a model of community care, led by the Kohanim, the priests. Parshat Tazria has much to teach us about how we, as a nation of priests, can and must be present for the ones we might otherwise be tempted to look...Read more...
Shimini 5784 | Rabbi David Wolkenfeld
04/09/2024 10:00:18 AM
Such Things Have Befallen Me
Sefer Vayikra has a bad reputation as a book without much plot. Perhaps for this reason, anytime there is narrative action in Sefer Vayikra it grabs so much of our attention and the death of Nadav and Avihu after they bring a “strange fire” has all of the features of a gripping story. On the very day that the mishkan is inaugurated and begins operation,...Read more...
Vayikra 5784 | Rabbi David Wolkenfeld
03/25/2024 10:39:42 AM
Kol Nidrei of Purim
אור זרוע לצדיק ולישרי לב שמחה
“A light is sown for the righteous and joy for the noble hearted”
With the agreement of God and of the community, in the heavenly council, and in the council of people, we give leave to pray with the transgressors among us.
Six months ago we gathered in this room...
Vayakhel 5784 | Rabbi David Wolkenfeld
03/11/2024 02:40:54 PM
Boundaries and What They Protect
The morning of August 11, 2008 began like any other. Sara went to a routine prenatal exam and I drove to Princeton to spend the day unpacking boxes in our new home. Minutes after I arrived in Princeton Sara called me from her doctor’s office: something was not quite right and our twins would need to be delivered that day.
“Should I come right now and meet you?” I asked. Sara explained that there was a medical need for a six hour delay before the twins could be delivered and I should spend another hour or two unpacking boxes before meeting her in the hospital.
Read more...Tetzaveh 5784 | Kate Rozansky
02/26/2024 10:28:26 AM
Who Puts on The Cohen Gadol’s Pants?
This week, a friend of mine from college who has since become a Lutheran Minister, asked me to be a guest on her Bible podcast. The subject of the podcast was Pesach, and as we were logging off, I said, “Thank you so much, this is such a nice break from what I’ve been working on,” and she said, “What’s that?” “I’ve...Read more...
Terumah 5784 | Rabbi David Wolkenfeld
02/20/2024 09:41:42 AM
The Place Where People Seek the Highest
A few weeks ago I attended the Shepherd Park Citizens’ Association potluck gathering. The event took place just up the road at the Washington Ethical Society and the room where we ate is the same meeting room where the Ethical Culture Society has their own gatherings. Over the stage, front and center, was the motto of the Ethical Culture Society:...Read more...
Mishpatim 5784 | Rabbanit Sara Wolkenfeld
02/13/2024 04:27:35 PM
Law is My Love Language
There’s a famous story about a famous rabbi, let’s say it was Rav Soloveitchik, though I think it has been told in different forms about different rabbis. His scholarship ranged from the highly theoretical to the extremely practical, and he could of course give detailed answers to any halakhic question. When his wife, Dr. Tanya Soloveitchik, was...Read more...
Yitro 5784 | Rabbi David Wolkenfeld
02/12/2024 03:11:14 PM
As One Person with One Heart
If you ever attended a Pesach Seder at our home you would have heard my sister in law, a”h, ask how it is that we sing Dayeinu and declare that it would have been enough for us if, for example, God had only taken us out of Egypt but not made judgements upon the Egyptians, אִלּוּ הוֹצִיאָנוּ מִמִצְרַיִם וְלֹא...Read more...
Bo 5784 | Rabbi David Wolkenfeld
01/26/2024 10:27:20 AM
Say Little and Do Much
There are two great movie versions of the story of Yetziat Mitzraim, the exodus from Egypt: Steven Spielberg’s Prince of Egypt and Cecille B. Demille’s The Ten Commandments. Both draw heavily from midrashim to flesh out sparse details of the Torah’s own narrative. Both can be seen as a sort of modern midrash that reflects the concerns and priorities of the...Read more...
VaYechi 5784 | Rabbi David Wolkenfeld
01/26/2024 10:27:16 AM
Instruments of Cruelty
Before we were married, before we were even formally engaged to be married, Sara and I each spent a portion of the summer of 2001 studying Torah in Israel. The terror wave that characterized the Second Intifiada was still ongoing - I’m sure some of you remember the bombings at Sbarro’s in Jerusalem that summer. As a way to reassure her parents, Sara promised...Read more...