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Shepherd Park/Woodside Community Eruv

About the Eruv

The Shepherd Park/Woodside Community Eruv encompasses Ohev Sholom , and our partner community synagogues, including Woodside Synagogue Ahavas Torah, Chabad of Chevy Chase, Ohr Kodesh Congregation, and Tifereth Israel Congregation. The Eruv generally extends as far south as Military Road, as far north as the Beltway, as far west as Connecticut Avenue, as far east as Piney Branch Road, and includes the areas of Shepherd Park, Downtown Silver Spring, Woodside, and parts of Chevy Chase and Takoma Park. The Eruv is checked weekly and receives halachic guidance from Rabbi Moshe Heinemann of Baltimore. For more information or to get involved in the Eruv Committee, please email Harris Cohen.

Eruv Map

Please click on the map below to view a detailed PDF of the eruv.

Supporting the Eruv

There are substantial costs associated with maintaining the eruv, which are largely split between Ohev Sholom and Woodside Congregation. Please consider a donation to offset the costs associated with maintaining the eruv. The costs are approximately $250/week. Donations may be made online c/o Ohev Sholom - The National Synagogue at The funds will be appropriately shared with the eruv committee.

What can I carry?

Below is a list of what you can and cannot carry inside the eruv. For specific questions, please email Rabbi Wolkenfeld at

You may carry:

  • Tallit, Chumash, Siddur, or other books

  • Food and drinks

  • Keys, handkerchief, gloves, pocket watch

  • Medication

  • Food to hospital patients

  • Jackets and other clothing which you remove on warm days

  • Remove trash from your house if it disturbs Oneg Shabbos

  • Food from house to Sukkah

  • Reading glasses

Activities you may perform:

  • Push a baby stroller along with food and diapers

  • Wear a rainhat

  • Wear jewelry without concern for Shabbos restrictions

  • Push someone in a wheelchair

Activities you still may not perform:

  • Carry items which are Muktseh (may not be touched on Shabbos -- e.g., pen)

  • Open or carry an umbrella

  • Typical weekday activities not in the spirit of Shabbat

  • Carry anything in preparation for post-Shabbat activity

Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785