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Event & Kiddush Sponsorship

Events at Ohev Sholom

Ohev Sholom is an active, vibrant community, blessed with many s'machot. It is our community's tradition to offer a weekly Kiddush open to the entire community. We also have policies in place that are designed to ensure that events in our shul are planned and arranged in the most efficient way, while encouraging as many people as possible to participate financially in supporting our kiddushes.

When scheduling the use of the synagogue for any reason, including sponsoring a program, event, kiddush or marking a simcha (such as a bar or bat mitzvah, bris, aufruf, etc), your first step should be to contact the synagogue's Director of Operations at:
      (202) 882-7225 x. 103

The Director of Operations will help guide you and make sure that your event is coordinated with other synagogue activities. Please note that the Director of Operations is the only person who is designated to coordinate your event. This is a crucial step so your event will be on our planning calendar.

For large events planned in advance, such as a wedding or bar/bat mitzvah, we ask that you set up a meeting at least 6 months in advance with the Director of Operations to discuss catering and space needs, event details, and any other arrangements. For a baby naming, bris, aufruf or other smaller/not predictable events, please contact the Director of Operations as soon as possible to make appropriate arrangements. 

All food or beverages must be ordered from an approved kosher establishment and inspected by a member of the synagogue staff, and all events serving hot food and/or utilizing wait staff must have a Mashgiach present (arranged by the Director of Operations). The event host will be responsible for paying the cost of the Mashgiach. There are no exceptions.

Space Rental

To learn more about space rental at Ohev Sholom, please click here.

Weekly Kiddush

Our weekly kiddush is an important part of our community, and is a great opportunity to socialize, spend time with friends, and welcome visitors to our community. However, as our community has grown to an average of 200+ people on Shabbat, the kiddush represents a substantial expense and requires support from our community to keep it financially sustainable. The actual costs for providing a kiddush include food and beverages, as well as set-up and clean-up, paper goods, and other expenses. Sponsoring a weekly kiddush is a great way to mark a simcha, lifecycle event, or offer your support to the synagogue. Thank you in advance for your support!

To sponsor, please contact our office at or 202-882-7225.

Thu, February 6 2025 8 Shevat 5785