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About Us

Ohev Sholom is a vibrant and open Orthodox Jewish community located in the Shepherd Park neighborhood of Washington, DC.  We are committed to upholding and practicing the tenets of halacha while remaining open and welcoming to those who are in different places on their Jewish spiritual journey. We invite you to experience our community to see what makes it so great by joining us for a class, daily minyan, a Shabbat, or other activity, and we encourage you to reach out!

Our Mission
Ohev Sholom mission is to lead and serve the greater Jewish community by embracing the values of Torah, study, and prayer while engaging with our neighbors.

Prayer & Worship
We invite you to join us in prayer. Our shul offers a daily Shacharit and Mincha/Maariv minyan (Maariv only in Winter). Each Friday night, we have a spiritual and uplifting Kabbalat Shabbat service. On Saturday mornings, we have a weekly Shabbat service, followed by a communal kiddush open to all. Our main sanctuary seats up to 650 people and is an awe-inspiring space to connect to our creator.


Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785