Energize your week with Ohev Sholom January 30, 2025
Friday, January 31 (Shevat 2) 7:15am Shacharit 5:10pm Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat with a Dvar Torah by Rabbanit Sara Wolkenfeld 5:10pm Candle Lighting
Shabbat, February 1st (Shevat 3) Parashat Bo 9:15am Shacharit with a Dvar Torah by Rabbanit Sara Wolkenfeld 10:15am Shabbat Morning Youth Groups 4:55pm Mincha followed by Seudah Shlishit with a talk by Josh Resnick titled "Inclusivity in Judaism: Young and Old, Sons and Daughters, Flocks and Herds." 6:07pm Maariv 6:12pm Havdalah 6:35pm Ohev Sholom Youth Floor Hockey
**Please note that Rabbi Wolkenfeld will be away in Israel from 01/28 - 02/09. He will be available via email for any questions you may have**
Light Dairy Kiddush Sponsored by Eric Brown & Avi Weisberg in gratitude for the honors of chatan torah and chatan bereishit, and with wishes for many more cycles of joyful Torah completion and recommencement with the Ohev Sholom family. Kiddush look ahead: 02/08 - Light Dairy Kiddush Sponsored by Ohev and cooked by the men’s auxiliary. Ohev men are invited to join the cooking Saturday night Feb 1st.
Seudah Shlishit this Shabbat is sponsored by Ohev.
Do you want to sponsor an upcoming Kiddush, Iced coffee or Seudah Shlishit? Email alejandra@ohevdc.org to find out more.
To maintain decorum and safety and security, we ask that all children under Bar/Bat Mitzvah remain in the sanctuary during davening or else participate in youth group programming. Thank you for your cooperation.
Tots (ages 18M - PreK4): Babysitting available beginning at 9:15am in the Chadar Tikvah. Tot Shabbat will begin at 11:00 AM. Parent participation is encouraged for this family program, but babysitting will remain available and ongoing until the end of service
Shabbat Club (K-2nd): 10:15 AM in the playroom. J-Minyan (3rd-5th): at 10:15 AM in the Chapel.
WEEKLY DONATIONS (January 19th thru January 25th)
"In Honor of" Donations by: Eric Brown & Avi Weisberg - Kiddush sponsorshipIn gratitude for the honors of chatan torah and chatan bereishit, and with wishes for many more cycles of joyful Torah completion and recommencement with the Ohev Sholom family.
"In Memory of" Donations by: Julie (Julius) Levine - In memory of my uncle, Morris Dash and my father, Joseph Levine. Samuel & Thera Swersky - In loving memory of my father Irving Ehrenthal (Yitzchak ben David) on his yahrzeit. Nina & Peter Tarley - In memory of my mother Chaya Zangwill Breslav.
*if your gift was left off in error, please let us know so we can include it next week*
Ohev Sholom welcomes you to our warm community! Please let us know if you are interested in hosting or being hosted for Shabbat meals. Please sign up to be either a guest or a host. For any questions please contact Sheila Kurtzer at sheila.kurtzer@gmail.com
Ohev Sholom 1600 Jonquil Street NW Washington, DC 20012