Energize your week with Ohev Sholom January 23, 2025
Friday, January 24 (Tevet 24) 7:15am Shacharit 5:00pm Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat 5:01pm Candle Lighting 6:00pm Scholar in Residence Shabbat dinner with Professor Benjamin Gampel
(registration required)
Shabbat, January 25 (Tevet 25) Parashat Vaera 9:15am Shacharit 10:15am Shabbat Morning Youth Groups ~12:15pm Professor Gampel speaking after Kiddush (details below) 4:45pm Mincha followed by Seudah Shlishit with a talk by David Gillers (details below) 5:59pm Maariv 6:04pm Havdalah 6:25pm Ohev Sholom Youth Floor Hockey 8:00pm Pickle Ball League at Ohev!
**Please note that Rabbi Wolkenfeld will be away for the next three Shabbatot. He will be available via email for any questions you may have**
This Shabbat, Ohev welcomes Professor Benjamin Gampel as our Scholar-in-Residence. There will be two opportunities to hear Dr. Gampel speak over Shabbat and we look forward to seeing you there:
- Friday night at 7PM (after the communal dinner) on the topic of Sex, Food and the Lush Garden: Religious Piety Confronts Sensual Pleasure.
- Shabbat morning after Kiddush (~12:15PM)on the topic of Riots, Inquisition and Expulsions: Confronting the Riddle of Jewish Apostasy.
Light Dairy Luncheon Kiddush is sponsored by Ohev with a contribution from Carol Miaskoff in honor of her daughter’s engagement and Carol's retirement. Kiddush look ahead: 02/01 - Light Dairy Kiddush Sponsored by Eric Brown & Avi Weisberg.
Seudah Shlishit this Shabbat is sponsored by Ohev with a talk by David Gillers titled "Anonymity and Abandonment in the Moshe Rabeinu Superhero Origin Story"
Do you want to sponsor an upcoming Kiddush, Iced coffee or Seudah Shlishit? Email alejandra@ohevdc.org to find out more.
To maintain decorum and safety and security, we ask that all children under Bar/Bat Mitzvah remain in the sanctuary during davening or else participate in youth group programming. Thank you for your cooperation.
Tots (ages 18M - PreK4): Babysitting available beginning at 9:15am in the Tots Room. Tot Shabbat will begin at 11:00 AM. Parent participation is encouraged for this family program, but babysitting will remain available and ongoing until the end of service
Shabbat Club (K-2nd): 10:15 AM in the Chadar Tikvah. J-Minyan (3rd-5th): at 10:15 AM in the Chapel.
WEEKLY DONATIONS (January 12th thru January 18th.)
"In Honor of" Donations by: Susan Blitz - In honor of the welcoming and hospitable Ohev Shalom community. Carol Miaskoff - In honor of my daughter’s engagement and my retirement.
"In Memory of" Donations by: Alan Gordon - Yahrzeit Fannie Gordon and Pessie Gordon Doreen Kreger - In memory of my grandmother, Devora Lukashinska and my father Kalman Cohen. Leslie Silverstone - In memory of my father, Philip Silverstone.
*if your gift was left off in error, please let us know so we can include it next week*
Ohev Sholom welcomes you to our warm community! Please let us know if you are interested in hosting or being hosted for Shabbat meals. Please sign up to be either a guest or a host. For any questions please contact Sheila Kurtzer at sheila.kurtzer@gmail.com
Ohev Sholom 1600 Jonquil Street NW Washington, DC 20012